Yorkshire Puddings (V)

Prep time: 40mins | Cook time: 30mins


 3 free-range eggs

 225ml oz whole or semi skimmed milk

 100g plain flour

 ¼ tsp salt

 Rapeseed oil

  1. Heat a lightly oiled Yorkshire pudding tray in a pre-heated oven at 240C for 20 minutes
  2. Mix the flour and salt together in a bowl, crack the eggs into the mixture and mix
  3. Gradually add the milk whilst whisking the mixture thoroughly
  4. Now put it in the fridge to combine for half an hour, and give your arm a rest. Take out your batter and whisk it all over again. Transfer to a jug for easier pouring
  5. Once the tray is heated, carefully remove from the oven and add your Yorkshire mix equally into each hole of the tray
  6. Be sure to close the oven door slowly so you don't force all the hot air out. Oh, and don't open the door to check on progress – the cold air will make your puds sag
  7. Place into the oven for approximately 25 minutes
  8. When they rise and look golden-brown and crisp on top, they're done
  9. Add to your favourite roast dinner